Hair today, gone tomorrow | Alopecia.

It’s happening.

Been happening a while actually.

A few years in fact. Started off thinking post partum hair loss – normal, all normal.

Something called Telogen effluvium where levels return back to normal, causing hairs to switch from their growth to shedding phase and result in larger amounts of hair shedding than we’re used to.

But it wasn’t that. It isn’t that.

Day by day I’m losing vast amounts of hair.

I wake up with hair all over. Hair clogging the sink. Hair stuck in clothes in the washing machine. Just brushing my tangled hair leaves clumps on the brush. Washing my hair is an exhausting task, knowing that there’s just more hair… More hair on your hands than on your head.

It’s upsetting. Is that shallow? Perhaps. Are there worse things in the world? Of course. Does that make losing your identity – your hair – any less hard? No.

Alopecia Areata.

“Alopecia is a general term for hair loss. Alopecia areata is a common cause of non-scarring (does not cause scarring to the scalp) hair loss that can occur at any age. It usually causes small, coin-sized, round patches of baldness on the scalp, although hair elsewhere such as the beard, eyebrows, eyelashes, body and limbs can be affected.
In some people larger areas are affected and occasionally it can involve the whole scalp (alopecia totalis) or even the entire body and scalp (alopecia universalis).”
(Paragraph taken from British Skin Foundation)

It means I’m losing my hair. I’m losing my eye lashes. I’m already overweight, I’m losing more confidence in my appearance.

Alopecia is not contagious – what happens is that the immune system attacks the hair follicles (structures that contain the roots of the hair), causing hair loss.

With alopecia areata, your body’s own immune system attacks your healthy hair follicles, causing them to become much smaller and drastically slow down production to the point that hair growth may stop

This disease most often occurs in otherwise healthy people. It is also thought to be triggered by stress.

My blood has been tested several times over the years being told by family members “probably your thyroid” or “you’re pulling your hair out” (called Trichotillomania) – really ignorant, irritating comments.

So, I kept going back to the GP “please help me I’m losing my hair” and the reply “sorry, you’re healthy nothing we can do.”

Is it great I’m healthy? Definitely. Is it sad I can’t find a cure, a preventative? Definitely.

This photo is the hair ball I lost today (and orange size comparison) from just washing my hair, this is nothing in comparison to every day and I know eventually there will be nothing left on my head.

Over the past 18 months I’ve touched on the subject of Alopecia and even shown you Insta stories showing you my reality, my feelings on the subject. Trying to talk about it. To acknowledge it. To feel by addressing it I can just feel better. To make others aware of what it is or to understand it.

I’m trying to accept “it’s only hair” and if it gets worse I will have to cut it all off – maybe get a wig or cute hats – I’ve already lopped off 4 inches myself in emotional states – a Britney Spears 2019.

Hopefully it’ll grow back, maybe the hair will stop coming out but the entire year this has been my reality.

And it makes me sad, I can’t help it.

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6 thoughts on “Hair today, gone tomorrow | Alopecia.

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  1. It’s a tough thing to go through. I don’t think I’d cope at all. I have 3 amazing friends who have alopecia. One now embraces her hair free status with funky hats and scarves, tattood earbrows. Another uses wigs , hers is genetic. Another friend lost hers very suddenly 3months after recovery from traumatic health situation and septicemia and a week before her 50th birthday. She struggled with the hair loss more than with nearly dying (she says). She had a long period of amazing wigs then her hair grew back thick and white. Amazing women. As are you xxxxx


    1. They sound amazing! Are they online? I haven’t seen many people on here talking about it but I imagine there are quite a few, I think it’s just something you don’t expect and it’s something you definitely can’t control and it’s upsetting.. I know theres worse things. Sorry to hear your friend had ill health and hope she’s on the mend.
      And you’re an amazing woman! I have yet to receive that status I think 🙈❤


    1. Some people have steroid injections but my GP don’t particularly care, I imagine I would have to go private and have a dermatologist analyse but that would cost especially if I need repeat treatments so I’ve been coming to the conclusion I’ll just rock a bald head.. Wigs are expensive and look really uncomfortable so they don’t appeal to me.. But itll eventually grow back, I hope

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